Code of Conduct, Center for STEM Learning


To create a positive work environment in the Center for STEM Learning and to give guidance on dealing with misconduct.

Applies to: 

Faculty, staff, students, affiliates, visitors, and independent contractors working with CSTEM.

Policy Statement: 

General Principles


Everyone at the Center for STEM Learning (CSTEM) has the right to work in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and violence, as well as to a workplace characterized by collective civility and respect for each individual’s contribution to CSTEM’s mission. During your time at CSTEM, you are expected to follow federal and state law, University of Kansas policies and procedures, and the specific guidelines laid out in these professional values and Code of Conduct. These guidelines exist to protect the rights of the CSTEM community, and to promote the spirit of collegiality and professionalism in the unit.

The guidelines outlined below apply to CSTEM faculty, to faculty affiliated with CSTEM, and to CSTEM staff, as well as to volunteers and university students participating in CSTEM activities, and to both on- and off-campus CSTEM events. A separate statement of professional expectations in the conduct of independent contractors interacting with CSTEM affiliated persons and/or the general public in performance of their contractual agreement with CSTEM can be found in Appendix A. Additional guidance for students on conduct and reporting can be found in Appendix B.

In no case do these expectations supersede the rights and responsibilities accorded these groups under University of Kansas policy, but provide additional guidance for expectations that reflect CSTEM’s commitment to responsible behavior and conduct that does not infringe on the rights of others. CSTEM takes violations seriously, and will observe the grievance policy and procedures defined by the Center and defer to the appropriate university units as necessary.

Guiding Values for a Positive Workplace Climate

The role of each person in the community is integral to the success of the Center and is based on the ongoing effort to promote trust, respect and communication. To achieve this the Center for STEM Learning aspires to a workplace climate that values:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • Open-minded consideration of ideas, perspectives and beliefs that challenge our thinking;
  • Enthusiasm, discovery, innovation and critical thinking in the advancement of STEM literacy;
  • Professionalism, honesty and integrity in performance of our responsibilities;
  • Accountability for actions, resources, and relationships;
  • Transparency in decision-making processes that shape priorities and initiatives;
  • Collaboration and cooperation that promote STEM recruitment, learning, and workforce development.

Putting our Values into Action

We are one team, but we represent many ideas, experiences, and backgrounds. We embrace a culture that promotes both individual creativity and teamwork, that recognizes and supports each contribution, that honors mutual trust and respect, and that constantly strives for excellence.

Achieving this culture requires that our values are more than philosophical principles, but actively guide and are integrated into our professional lives. The Center for STEM Learning holds itself and community members to the following standards as we put our values into action:

  • Conduct: Members will act with honesty and be personally accountable for individual actions; will conscientiously fulfill obligations of their position; will treat others with courtesy, respect, equity and fairness; and will foster a culturally inclusive environment.
  • Integrity: Members will take responsibility for the integrity of their contributions to all professional activities and interactions.
  • Acknowledgement: Members will acknowledge the names and roles of those who made contributions to unit activities, work product, and achievements.
  • Environment: Members are responsible for creating and promoting safe, open, and productive environments for learning and working. The environment honors privacy and confidentiality and is characterized by integrity, respect, fairness, trustworthiness, and transparency.
  • Student/Advisor Relationship: The relationship between students and their advisors is a unique one in the academic environment. In addition to the responsibilities outlined in this section for the respectful treatment of all individuals, members should be sensitive to the power imbalance in the student/advisor relationship, and aware of responsibilities of the advisor, the student, and the institution in regards to this relationship. An advisor is any member of the CSTEM community who provides encouragement and guidance to students.
  • Public Communication: Members, when representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the Center for STEM Learning, will limit professional comments to their areas of expertise, refrain from personally critical comments, and will clearly distinguish professional comments from their opinions based on personal views. This applies to engagement in both public discussions and to social media postings.
  • Adherence to Law and Policies: Members will be aware of and adhere to laws, university policies, and this Code of Conduct in their professional behavior.
  • Intervention: Members will take responsibility for active positive intervention when aware of misconduct or suspected misconduct including discrimination, harassment, bullying, or other irresponsible behaviors that undermine individuals, CSTEM, or the university.
  • Reporting: Members have a responsibility to appropriately and promptly report misconduct they witness or of which they become aware. Additional information on reporting is included in the following section.
  • Misconduct: Members will not engage in discrimination, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, or other misconduct. This applies to all professional, research, and teaching environments and to conduct both on- and off-campus. An expanded discussion of unacceptable behaviors appears below.

Misconduct and Unacceptable Behaviors

Acting with integrity begins with understanding and abiding by all applicable laws and university policies that govern our workplace. This Code of Conduct has further defined professional integrity by establishing positive standards of conduct that encourage the open, values-based culture CSTEM strives to attain and uphold. It is important, however, to acknowledge that individuals may also intentionally or unintentionally engage in unacceptable behavior or misconduct. Such behaviors not only violate the rights of individuals or groups, but undermine the quality and productivity of the workplace environment.

As a statement of principle, the Center for STEM Learning rejects discrimination, bullying, and harassment by any means and based on any factor. We affirm that such behavior in any workplace or learning environment is unacceptable and constitutes misconduct.

The following list is not exhaustive, and behaviors not included which conflict with law, University of Kansas policy, or the values and standards of conduct outlined in this Code of Conduct will also be considered misconduct or unacceptable behavior:

  • Discrimination means unequal or unfair treatment in professional opportunities, education, benefits, evaluation, and employment (such as hiring, termination, promotion, compensation) as well as retaliation and various types of harassment. Discriminatory practices can be explicit or implicit, intentional or unintentional. Discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identify, gender expression and genetic information is prohibited under federal statutes, the University of Kansas Non-Discrimination Policy, and the University of Kansas Policy Against Racial and Ethnic Harassment.
  • Harassment is a type of discrimination that involves actions, words or physical gestures that could reasonably be perceived to be the cause of another person’s distress or discomfort, or which put the safety of the individual at risk. This includes all behaviors that are unwanted by the recipient, which have the purpose or effect of violating the recipient’s dignity, marginalizing an individual either personally or professionally, or which create an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment. It applies not only to direct interactions, but also other forms of communication including social media. These acts may include epithets, slurs, or negative stereotyping based on gender, race, sexual identity, or other categories, as protected by U.S. federal law. Also included are threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts; stalking; denigrating jokes and displays; or circulation of written or graphic material that denigrates or shows hostility or aversion toward an individual or a group. It becomes unlawful where enduring it becomes a condition of continued employment or when the conduct is severe or pervasive enough that a reasonable person would consider the work environment to be hostile.
  • Sexual harassment includes any unwanted and/or inappropriate sexual remarks or physical advances, sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments, and the University of Kansas Sexual Harassment Policy
  • Bullying is the repeated use of force, threat, or coercion to abuse, intimidate, or purposefully dominate others in the professional environment based on a real or perceived power imbalance. These actions can include abusive criticism, humiliation, the spreading of rumors, physical and verbal attacks, isolation, undermining, and professional exclusion of individuals through any means.
  • Micro-aggressions are the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership. These messages may invalidate the group identity or experiential reality of targets, marginalize or demean them on a personal or group level, communicate they are lesser human beings, suggest they do not belong, threaten and intimidate, or relegate them to inferior status and treatment. Micro-aggressions are less overt and are often related to discrimination, harassment or bullying, but may also occur in well-intentioned individuals who are unaware that they have engaged in an offensive act or made an offensive statement.

Reporting: The Center for STEM Learning values the help of its members who identify and speak up about potential problems that need to be addressed. By doing so, CSTEM has the opportunity to deal with the concern, or direct it through appropriate university channels for resolution. Remaining silent about possible misconduct can only worsen a situation and decrease trust.

All members of the CSTEM community who are also KU employees are mandatory reporters for incidents of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence; these should be reported to the Office of Civil Rights & Title IX. Other incidents of misconduct or unacceptable behaviors should be reported through CSTEM leadership.

Grievance procedures and complaint resolution: The Center for STEM Learning has a formal written grievance procedure in accordance with university policy for subordinate units. As the next larger unit, formal grievance procedures for the College of Liberal Arts & Science apply, and the University of Kansas has specific grievance policies and procedures for faculty and staff Disciplinary procedures for serious misconduct issues are outlined in the pertinent documents.

Civil and respectful communication among members of the CSTEM community, where conflicts could reasonably be expected to be resolved in this way, should be the first recourse in dispute resolution. More serious disputes, those which cannot be resolved among members themselves, or those that individuals feel uncomfortable addressing should be taken to CSTEM leadership. CSTEM leadership, at its discretion, may handle the dispute internally, or refer the matter to other formal or informal dispute resolution avenues at the university including Human Resources Conciliation Services and the University Ombuds.

If the grievance is with CSTEM leadership or the resolution obtained through working with leadership is unsatisfactory, staff may utilize the informal dispute resolution avenues previously mentioned, file a formal grievance in accordance with CSTEM’s published grievance policies, or file a formal grievance through Human Resource Management.

All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to visit with the University Ombuds office for informal guidance in dealing with difficult situations they are uncomfortable taking to CSTEM leadership or which involve CSTEM leadership. The Ombuds office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can seek informal, independent, confidential assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment. The Ombuds can help identify and evaluate options, offer coaching, and provide referrals to other resources.

Prohibition on retaliation: Retaliation against a person who files a good-faith report or causes to be reported any suspected wrongdoing, or who assists in the authorized investigation of that wrongdoing, is prohibited under university whistleblower policy and federal law. Retaliation may be inferred in the presence of unwanted personal contact, additional work assignments, disciplinary action, harassment, unsupported evaluations or other adverse changes in the conditions of the work environment or educational environment which would deter a reasonable person in the situation from making the complaint.


Our success and achievements are no accident. We share a commitment to the mission of the Center for STEM Learning that challenges each of us individually in our roles, but our real strength lies in our collective efforts. Our values and our commitment to ethical conduct are the foundation on which that teamwork is built.

This code serves as a central guide and reference to support day-to-day decision making by CSTEM members in their work, as well as providing benchmarks against which professional behavior can be measured. However, it’s impossible to spell out every possible ethical scenario members might face. Instead, we rely on one another’s good judgment to uphold the highest standards of integrity for ourselves and our unit, and we expect all members to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct.

Resources Used in Creation of This Policy

Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (Student Code)
University of Kansas Policy Library

Discrimination Complaint Resolution Process
University of Kansas Policy Library

Grievance Procedure, Center for STEM Learning
University of Kansas Policy Library

Grievance Procedure for the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Kansas Policy Library

Grievance Procedure for Staff
University of Kansas Policy Library

Handbook for Faculty and Other Unclassified Staff
University of Kansas Policy Library

Non-Discrimination, Equal Opportunity, and Affirmative Action
University of Kansas Policy Library

Racial and Ethnic Harassment
University of Kansas Policy Library

Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence
University of Kansas Policy Library

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
§ 7, 42 U.S.C. § 2000e et seq (1964)

Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972
20 U.S.C. §§1681 - 1688 (2018)

Whistleblower Policy: Reporting Suspected Wrongdoing and Protection from Retaliation
University of Kansas Policy Library

Appendix A: Independent Contractors

The Center for STEM Learning (CSTEM) is committed to responsible behavior and conduct that does not infringe on the rights of others, including freedom from bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and violence. As an independent contractor for CSTEM, you are expected to follow all applicable laws, regulations, and the specific guidelines below when performing contracted services involving interactions with students, staff or the general public. CSTEM takes violations seriously and may terminate contractual services arrangements which do not meet these standards.

Guiding Values

The role of independent contractors is integral to the operational success of the Center, but also reflects on the public perception of CSTEM and its ongoing efforts to promote trust, respect and positive communication in the workplace, in learning environments, and in our interactions with the public. When performing contractual work for the Center for STEM Learning, independent contractors should reflect the following CSTEM values:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • Professionalism, honesty and integrity in performance of responsibilities;
  • Accountability for actions, resources, and relationships.

Standards of Conduct

The Center for STEM Learning holds independent contractors to the following standards in CSTEM contracted work:

  • Conduct: Contractors will act with honesty and integrity; will treat others with courtesy, respect, equity and fairness; will promote safe, open, and productive environments for learning and working; will honor privacy and confidentiality; and will conscientiously fulfill all obligations of their contract.
  • Student/Advisor Relationship: Contractors may be perceived as advisors by students they interact with. As such, they should be sensitive to the power imbalance in the student/advisor relationship and aware of responsibilities of the advisor, the student, and the institution in regards to this relationship.
  • Public Communication: Contractors, when representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the Center for STEM Learning, will limit professional comments to contracted responsibilities, will refrain from personally critical comments, and will clearly distinguish professional comments from their opinions based on personal views.
  • Adherence to Law and Regulations: Contractors will be aware of and adhere to all laws, regulations of the workplace in which they are operating, and this Code of Conduct in performance of their contracted work.
  • Misconduct: Contractors will not engage in discrimination, sexual discrimination or violence, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, micro-aggressions (the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership) or other misconduct. This applies to conduct in contracted work situations both on- and off-campus, and to both intentional and unintentional behavior. For further definition of misconduct, refer to CSTEM Code of Conduct Misconduct and Unacceptable Behaviors.
  • Reporting: Contractors have a responsibility to appropriately and promptly report misconduct they witness or of which they become aware as related to their contracted work. When working in off-campus locations, contractors should report according to practices of the workplace they are operating in. When the misconduct involves CSTEM affiliated persons, contractors should report to their CSTEM contact.


This code serves as a central guide and reference to support day-to-day decision making by independent contractors in performance of their contractual work for the Center for STEM Learning. However, it’s impossible to spell out every possible ethical scenario contractors might face. CSTEM relies on our contractors to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and expects all contractors to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct.

Appendix B: Students

All students associated with Center for STEM Learning (CSTEM) and with the UKanTeach program have the right to work and learn in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct and violence, and characterized by collective civility and respect for each individual.

During your time at CSTEM/UKanTeach, you are expected to follow federal and state law, University of Kansas policies and procedures, and the specific guidelines laid out in the professional values and Code of Conduct of the Center for STEM Learning. These guidelines exist to protect the rights of the CSTEM community, and to promote the spirit of collegiality and professionalism in the unit.

As students at the University of Kansas, your rights and responsibilities are outlined in the Code of Student Rights and Responsibilities (Student Code). In no case do the expectations of the CSTEM Code of Conduct supersede these rights, but provide additional guidance for expectations that reflect CSTEM’s commitment to responsible behavior and conduct that does not infringe on the rights of others. CSTEM/UKanTeach takes violations seriously and will observe the policy and procedures defined by the Center and defer to the appropriate university units as necessary.

Guiding Values

As a student in the UKanTeach program or as a student employee of the Center for STEM Learning, your conduct should reflect the following CSTEM values:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • Professionalism, honesty and integrity in performance of responsibilities;
  • Accountability for actions, resources, and relationships.

Standards of Conduct

CSTEM/UKanTeach holds students to the following standards:

  • Conduct: UKanTeach students will act with honesty and integrity; will treat others with courtesy, respect, equity and fairness; will promote safe, open, and productive environments for learning and working; will honor privacy and confidentiality; and will conscientiously fulfill all obligations.
  • Student/Advisor Relationship: Everyone should be sensitive to the power imbalance in the student/advisor relationship and aware of responsibilities of the advisor, the student, and the institution in regards to this relationship.
  • Public Communication: UKanTeach students, when representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the Center for STEM Learning or the UKanTeach program, will limit professional comments to their area of expertise, will refrain from personally critical comments, and will clearly distinguish professional comments from their opinions based on personal views. This applies to engagement in both public discussions and to social media postings.
  • Adherence to Law and Regulations: UKanTeach students will be aware of and adhere to all laws, regulations of the workplace in which they are operating, and this Code of Conduct in their professional behavior.
  • Intervention: UKanTeach students will take responsibility for active positive intervention when aware of misconduct or suspected misconduct including discrimination, harassment, bullying, or other irresponsible behaviors that undermine individuals, CSTEM, or the university.
  • Misconduct: UKanTeach students will not engage in discrimination, sexual discrimination or violence, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, micro-aggressions (the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership) or other misconduct. This applies to conduct in work situations both on- and off-campus, and to both intentional and unintentional behavior. For further definition of misconduct, refer to CSTEM Code of Conduct Misconduct and Unacceptable Behaviors.
  • Reporting: UKanTeach students have a responsibility to appropriately and promptly report to their UKanTeach instructor any misconduct they witness or of which they become aware as related to their work.

Grievance procedures and complaint resolution

Students should be aware that all members of the CSTEM community who are also KU employees are mandatory reporters for incidents of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual violence, and are trained in proper reporting of these incidents. Students who have experienced any of these situations should feel free to approach any CSTEM staff member for assistance in dealing with such incidents.

Civil and respectful communication among members of the CSTEM community, where conflicts could reasonably be expected to be resolved in this way, should be the first recourse in dispute resolution. More serious disputes, those which cannot be resolved among members themselves, those that involve UKanTeach instructors, or those that individuals feel uncomfortable addressing, should be taken to CSTEM leadership and/or the UKanTeach Co-Directors. CSTEM leadership, at its discretion, may handle the dispute internally, or refer the matter to other formal or informal dispute resolution avenues at the university.

If the grievance is with CSTEM leadership, if the resolution obtained through working with leadership is unsatisfactory, or for informal guidance in dealing with other difficult situations, students are encouraged to visit with the University Ombuds office. The Ombuds office is a safe place where members of the University of Kansas community can seek informal, independent, confidential assistance in addressing conflicts, disputes, or complaints on an informal basis without fear of retaliation or judgment. The Ombuds can help identify and evaluate options, offer coaching, and provide referrals to other resources.

Students should be aware of the University of Kansas prohibition on retaliation against any person who files a good-faith report, or causes to be reported any suspected wrongdoing, or who assists in the authorized investigation of that wrongdoing.


CSTEM expects UKanTeach students and all individuals associated with the CSTEM to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and expects all of its students to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct.

If you would like more information on the CSTEM Code of Conduct please refer to

The information outlined in this Appendix is provided to UKanTeach students in the letter they receive during C&T 360 Knowing and Learning informing them of their UKanTeach program status (full acceptance, conditional acceptance or conditional acceptance moving to full acceptance). Copies of these letters follow.

UKanTeach Program: Full Acceptance Student Letter


Welcome to the UKanTeach Program

The UKanTeach program is very pleased to welcome you into this award winning program. The first two classes, UKanTeach 1 (LA&S 290) and UKanTeach 2 (LA&S 291) are classes that allow you to explore your interest in teaching and the associated communication skills. The prerequisites for your full acceptance into the UKanTeach program included;

  • successfully carrying out all of your teaching experiences in UKan 1 and 2,
  • An overall grade point average of 2.50,
  • a minimum grade point average of 2.50 your major area, and
  • submission of an essay on your interest in teaching with ideas on effective classroom teaching. The final essay in LA&S 291 is often used for this essay.
  • Enrollment in Knowing and Learning (C&T 360)

Having successfully meet all the acceptance prerequisites above you are being fully accepted into the UKanTeach program.

As you move forward with the UKanTeach program it is important to recognize that all individuals associated with Center for STEM Learning and with the UKanTeach program have the right to work in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and violence, as well as to a workplace characterized by collective civility and respect for each individual’s contribution to the program. During your time at CSTEM/UKanTeach, you are expected to follow federal and state law, University of Kansas policies and procedures, and the specific guidelines laid out in these professional values and Code of Conduct. These guidelines exist to protect the rights of the CSTEM community, and to promote the spirit of collegiality and professionalism in the unit. CSTEM/UKanTeach takes violations seriously, and will observe the grievance policy and procedures defined by the Center and defer to the appropriate university units as necessary.

When performing work for the Center for STEM Learning, students should reflect the following CSTEM values:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • Professionalism, honesty and integrity in performance of responsibilities;
  • Accountability for actions, resources, and relationships.

CSTEM/UKanTeach holds students to the following standards:

  • Conduct: UKanTeach students will act with honesty and integrity; will treat others with courtesy, respect, equity and fairness; will promote safe, open, and productive environments for learning and working; will honor privacy and confidentiality; and will conscientiously fulfill all obligations.
  • Student/Advisor Relationship: Everyone should be sensitive to the power imbalance in the student/advisor relationship and aware of responsibilities of the advisor, the student, and the institution in regards to this relationship.
  • Public Communication: UKanTeach students, when representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the Center for STEM Learning or the UKanTeach program, will limit professional comments to their area of expertise, will refrain from personally critical comments, and will clearly distinguish professional comments from their opinions based on personal views. This applies to engagement in both public discussions and to social media postings.
  • Adherence to Law and Regulations: UKanTeach students will be aware of and adhere to all laws, regulations of the workplace in which they are operating, and this Code of Conduct in their professional behavior.
  • Intervention: UKanTeach students will take responsibility for active positive intervention when aware of misconduct or suspected misconduct including discrimination, harassment, bullying, or other irresponsible behaviors that undermine individuals, CSTEM, or the university.
  • Misconduct: UKanTeach students will not engage in discrimination, sexual discrimination or violence, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, micro-aggressions (the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership) or other misconduct. This applies to conduct in work situations both on- and off-campus, and to both intentional and unintentional behavior. For further definition of misconduct, refer to CSTEM Code of Conduct Misconduct and Unacceptable Behaviors.
  • Reporting: UKanTeach students have a responsibility to appropriately and promptly report to their UKanTeach instructor any misconduct they witness or of which they become aware as related to their work.

CSTEM expects UKanTeach students to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and expects all of our students to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct. If you would like more information on the CSTEM Code of Conduct please refer to

Further you have acknowledged that you will be evaluated throughout each semester by the UKanTeach faculty for specific dispositions. These dispositions demonstrate your growing awareness of the requirements of the professional environment you will be entering. It is the expectation of the program that you will attend to this Code of Conduct, your growth as a professional and the deep, rich learning of your STEM discipline in addition to your overall grade point average. It is important to understand that you must have a grade point average of 2.75 BEFORE you can receive a student teaching placement.

UKanTeach is an exciting community based around learning and teaching. We are excited that you are joining this community. This is a very supportive community of faculty, master teachers, program alumni and current students. If there is anything we can do to support your efforts it is our expectation that you will let us know.

Congratulations on your progress to date and welcome.

Best wishes,

Director Center for STEM Learning
Co-director UKanTeach Program

UKanTeach Program: Conditional Acceptance


Welcome to the UKanTeach Program

The UKanTeach program is very pleased you are engaged with this award winning program. The first two classes, UKanTeach 1 (LA&S 290) and UKanTeach 2 (LA&S 291), are classes that allow you to explore your interest in teaching and the associated communication skills. Full acceptance into the program required the following prerequisites must be meet:

  • successfully carrying out all of your teaching experiences in UKan 1 and 2,
  • An overall grade point average of 2.50 overall,
  • a minimum grade point average of 2.50 your major area, and
  • submission of an essay on your interest in teaching with ideas on effective classroom teaching. The final essay in LA&S 291 is often used for this essay or you may submit a new letter.
  • Enrollment in Knowing and Learning (C&T 360)

Since you are still meeting some of the prerequisites you are being conditionally accepted into the program until all of the prerequisites have been meet. At the end of the semester the UKanTeach program co-directors will review your records and your work in Knowing and Learning for full acceptance into the program. You will receive a full acceptance letter when all of the prerequisites are successfully completed.

As you move forward with the UKanTeach program it is important to recognize that all individuals associated with Center for STEM Learning and with the UKanTeach program have the right to work in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and violence, as well as to a workplace characterized by collective civility and respect for each individual’s contribution to the program. During your time at CSTEM/UKanTeach, you are expected to follow federal and state law, University of Kansas policies and procedures, and the specific guidelines laid out in these professional values and Code of Conduct. These guidelines exist to protect the rights of the CSTEM community, and to promote the spirit of collegiality and professionalism in the unit. CSTEM/UKanTeach takes violations seriously, and will observe the grievance policy and procedures defined by the Center and defer to the appropriate university units as necessary.

When performing your work for the Center for STEM Learning and/or within the UKanTeach program, you should reflect the following CSTEM values:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • Professionalism, honesty and integrity in performance of responsibilities;
  • Accountability for actions, resources, and relationships.
  • Conduct: UKanTeach students will act with honesty and integrity; will treat others with courtesy, respect, equity and fairness; will promote safe, open, and productive environments for learning and working; will honor privacy and confidentiality; and will conscientiously fulfill all obligations.
  • Student/Advisor Relationship: Everyone should be sensitive to the power imbalance in the student/advisor relationship and aware of responsibilities of the advisor, the student, and the institution in regards to this relationship.
  • Public Communication: UKanTeach students, when representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the Center for STEM Learning or the UKanTeach program, will limit professional comments to their area of expertise, will refrain from personally critical comments, and will clearly distinguish professional comments from their opinions based on personal views. This applies to engagement in both public discussions and to social media postings.
  • Adherence to Law and Regulations: UKanTeach students will be aware of and adhere to all laws, regulations of the workplace in which they are operating, and this Code of Conduct in their professional behavior.
  • Intervention: UKanTeach students will take responsibility for active positive intervention when aware of misconduct or suspected misconduct including discrimination, harassment, bullying, or other irresponsible behaviors that undermine individuals, CSTEM, or the university.
  • Misconduct: UKanTeach students will not engage in discrimination, sexual discrimination or violence, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, micro-aggressions (the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership) or other misconduct. This applies to conduct in work situations both on- and off-campus, and to both intentional and unintentional behavior. For further definition of misconduct, refer to CSTEM Code of Conduct Misconduct and Unacceptable Behaviors.
  • Reporting: UKanTeach students have a responsibility to appropriately and promptly report to their UKanTeach instructor any misconduct they witness or of which they become aware as related to their work.

CSTEM expects UKanTeach students to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and expects all of our students to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct. If you would like more information on the CSTEM Code of Conduct please refer to

At this point in the program, you have acknowledged that you will be evaluated by faculty each semester during the program for specific dispositions. These dispositions demonstrate your growing awareness of the requirements of the professional environment you will be entering. It is the expectation of the program that you will attend to the Code of Conduct, your growth as a professional, and the deep, rich learning of your STEM discipline in addition to attending to your grade point average. You must have a grade point average of 2.75 BEFORE you can receive a student teaching placement.

UKanTeach is an exciting community based around learning and teaching. We are excited that you are joining this community. If there is anything we can do to support your efforts it is our expectation that you will let us know. This is a very supportive community of faculty, master teachers, program alumni and current students. Congratulations on your progress to date and welcome.

Best wishes,

Director Center for STEM Learning
Co-director UKanTeach Program

UKanTeach Conditional Acceptance moving to Full Acceptance


Full Acceptance to the UKanTeach Program

The UKanTeach program is very pleased to welcome you into this award winning program. As a reminder, the prerequisites for full acceptance into the UKanTeach program included;

  • successfully carrying out all of your teaching experiences in UKan 1 and 2,
  • An overall grade point average of 2.50,
  • a minimum grade point average of 2.50 your major area, and
  • submission of an essay on your interest in teaching with ideas on effective classroom teaching. The final essay in LA&S 291 is often used for this essay.
  • Enrollment in or completion of Knowing and Learning (C&T 360)

With your work to date, your conditional acceptance is now full acceptance into the UKanTeach program.

As you move forward with the UKanTeach program it is important to recognize that all individuals associated with Center for STEM Learning and with the UKanTeach program have the right to work in an environment free from bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, and violence, as well as to a workplace characterized by collective civility and respect for each individual’s contribution to the program. During your time at CSTEM/UKanTeach, you are expected to follow federal and state law, University of Kansas policies and procedures, and the specific guidelines laid out in these professional values and Code of Conduct. These guidelines exist to protect the rights of the CSTEM community, and to promote the spirit of collegiality and professionalism in the unit. CSTEM/UKanTeach takes violations seriously, and will observe the grievance policy and procedures defined by the Center and defer to the appropriate university units as necessary.

When performing your work for the Center for STEM Learning and/or within the UKanTeach program, you should reflect the following CSTEM values:

  • Respect for the dignity and worth of all individuals;
  • Professionalism, honesty and integrity in performance of responsibilities;
  • Accountability for actions, resources, and relationships.
  • Conduct: UKanTeach students will act with honesty and integrity; will treat others with courtesy, respect, equity and fairness; will promote safe, open, and productive environments for learning and working; will honor privacy and confidentiality; and will conscientiously fulfill all obligations.
  • Student/Advisor Relationship: Everyone should be sensitive to the power imbalance in the student/advisor relationship and aware of responsibilities of the advisor, the student, and the institution in regards to this relationship.
  • Public Communication: UKanTeach students, when representing or otherwise displaying any affiliation with the Center for STEM Learning or the UKanTeach program, will limit professional comments to their area of expertise, will refrain from personally critical comments, and will clearly distinguish professional comments from their opinions based on personal views. This applies to engagement in both public discussions and to social media postings.
  • Adherence to Law and Regulations: UKanTeach students will be aware of and adhere to all laws, regulations of the workplace in which they are operating, and this Code of Conduct in their professional behavior.
  • Intervention: UKanTeach students will take responsibility for active positive intervention when aware of misconduct or suspected misconduct including discrimination, harassment, bullying, or other irresponsible behaviors that undermine individuals, CSTEM, or the university.
  • Misconduct: UKanTeach students will not engage in discrimination, sexual discrimination or violence, harassment, bullying, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, coercive manipulation, censorship, micro-aggressions (the everyday verbal, nonverbal, and environmental slights, snubs, or insults which communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative messages to target persons based solely upon their group membership) or other misconduct. This applies to conduct in work situations both on- and off-campus, and to both intentional and unintentional behavior. For further definition of misconduct, refer to CSTEM Code of Conduct Misconduct and Unacceptable Behaviors.
  • Reporting: UKanTeach students have a responsibility to appropriately and promptly report to their UKanTeach instructor any misconduct they witness or of which they become aware as related to their work.

CSTEM expects UKanTeach students to uphold the highest standards of integrity, and expects all of our students to be guided by both the letter and the spirit of this Code of Conduct. If you would like more information on the CSTEM Code of Conduct please refer to

Further you have acknowledged that you will be evaluated throughout each semester by the UKanTeach faculty for specific dispositions. These dispositions demonstrate your growing awareness of the requirements of the professional environment you will be entering. It is the expectation of the program that you will attend to your growth as a professional and the deep, rich learning of your STEM discipline in addition to your overall grade point average. It is important to understand that you must have a grade point average of 2.75 BEFORE you can receive a student teaching placement.

UKanTeach is an exciting community based around learning and teaching. We are excited that you are joining this community. This is a very supportive community of faculty, master teachers, program alumni and current students. If there is anything we can do to support your efforts it is our expectation that you will let us know. Congratulations on your progress to date and welcome.

Best wishes,

Director Center for STEM Learning
Co-director UKanTeach Program

Director, Center for STEM Learning
Dole Human Development Center
1000 Sunnyside Ave., Room 3088
Lawrence, KS 66045
Approved by: 
College of Libreral Arts & Sciences, Dean's Office
Approved on: 
Monday, May 13, 2019
Effective on: 
Monday, May 13, 2019
Review Cycle: 
Annual (As Needed)
bullying, discrimination, harassment, sexual misconduct, violence, reporting
Change History: 

09/01/2021: Updated IOA to Office of Civil Rights & Title IX.
05/13/2019: Policy approved and uploaded to the Policy Library. 

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